The humidity of the material also affects the throughput of sawdust machines

The humidity of the material also affects the throughput of sawdust machines

2018-05-21 15:21:43

With the continuous expansion of sawdust machine, someone will ask in the actual production and sale: Do sawing machines have requirements on the moisture of crushed wood? In what kind of conditions, can the machine crush the wood smoothly? There is no doubt that too much moisture is definitely not suitable. Although our saw blade is very sharp, it is still not suitable to crush humid woods.

Why do we usually ask users to dry their wood first or to dry in the sun? Because the destruction effect will be more ambitious. The difficulty to crush the wet wood are in the following areas;

First, humid wood may block the screen aperture in the wood destruction, , which increases more difficulty to cut.

Secondly, the long-term use of humid wood may makes the machine crushed and rusty easily. Therefore, we require users to check the humidity of their own wood before buying sawdust machine. Wood humidity maintaining at 40% is the best, or you just dry the wood first!

In general, sawdust machines can crush wet wood, but it is best to control the humidity within 40%, which will not affect the output value, and will not shorten the service life of the machine.

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